Inter-College Course Guidelines

  • 2016-08-18
  • Digital Ruling
Department of Chemical Engineering Inter-College Course Guidelines   
Stipulated on November 6, 1995
1.      All compulsory courses offered by the Department must be taken in the Department (or other related departments in the University), and shall not be taken in other schools.  
2.      Undergraduate students taking courses in other colleges are limited to the following credits per semester: Freshman-8 credits; Sophomore, Junior and Senior—7 credits. 
3.      Master’s or doctoral students taking courses in other colleges are limited to the following credits per semester: 6 credits.
4.      Students in the Department (including master’s and doctoral students) taking elective courses in other schools are limited to a total maximum of 1/3 (inclusive) the compulsory credits for graduation. Credits exceeding the limit will not be counted toward the Department’s compulsory credits for graduation.
5.      Any matters not included in this stipulation will be jointly decided by the Department Chair and the convener of the Student Affairs Committee.
6.      These guidelines are implemented following approval by the Department meeting; likewise any revision.