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Department of Chemical Engineering - 50th anniversary

2022 the drpartment of Chemical Engineering alumni annual party (2022/10/15) link

Keynite Speech for 50th anniversary of the department of Chemical Engineering- On the way to the dream by Director Yin Chen-Hao (2022/9/13) link

Comprtitions for 50th anniversary of the department of Chemical Engineering link
► Awards Ceremony
♦♦ Time: 2022/5/10
♦♦ Place: the courtyard of the department building
♦♦ Photos
► Award-winning works
♦♦ Mug design competition
1. the first place: 黃愛齡
2. the second place: 蔡定暉
3. the third place: 張峻瑋
♦♦ Beer brewing competition
1. the first place: AMTF精釀 : 邱惟琦、賴以晟、陳孟哲、黃柏維
2. the second place: 酒精一克七大卡 : 廖元群、蔡松翰、許錫弘
3. the third place: SPCL : 洪督員
♦♦ Process design competition
1. the first place: 蕭東裕、陳允浩、張萬安
2. the second place: 吳亞璇、李品芳、王之君、高毅庭
3. the third place: 余佩蓁、林秀玲、田庭綸、蔡妤晴
♦♦ Department Logo design competition
1. the first place: 張晴淵
2. the second place: 曹紀妍
3. the third place: 黃愛齡
♦♦ Photography competition
Winner: 蔡孟哲 - 焚膏繼晷
♦♦ Graduate students’ thesis publish competition
1. the award list of poster display group
2. the award list of oral presentation group