Course Selection Regulations

  • 2016-08-18
  • 洛彤
Course Selection Regulations for Undergraduate Program
Update: 106.09
Subject Details
Registration, Course Selection (Academic Regulations Article 10)
Students shall complete the selection of courses and registration for the term within 2 weeks from the registration date as stated in the academic calendar of this university or they shall be deemed withdrawn from study.
(Academic Regulations Article 12)
From the 1st to the 3rd academic year, students shall register for at least 16 credits but not more than 25 credits for each term, and from 9 to 25 credits for each term in the 4th academic year.
Students who cannot take the minimum credits for the term due to specific reasons may take a lesser number of credits with the consent of the tutor and the chairperson of the department and program director, and the approval of the department, degree program meetings, or the committee designated by the department and degree program meeting.
Required courses Required courses cannot be taken in advance without the approval of the class advisor and the chair of department.
Required courses can only be taken outside of the university with the permission given during the department affairs meeting. For students taking elective courses outside the university, please refer to the “Rules and Regulations for Interscholastic Selective Courses.”
Must Select Course For students who are admitted to the university after 2001 should at least take “Fundamentals of Optoelectronic Materials and Devices” or “Introduction to Biotechnology” before graduation. For students who are admitted to the university after 2009, should at least take one course from above or “Introduction to Energy Technology and Environment”.
For students who are admitted to the university after 2016 should at least take “Fundamentals of Optoelectronic Materials and Devices” or “Introduction to Energy Technology and Environment” in their senior year.
For students who are admitted to the university after 2016, ”Introduction to Biotechnology” is a required course.
Seniors Senior students should take at least three courses offered in the College of Science, the College of Engineering, the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, the College of Nuclear Science, the College of Life Science, or the College of Technology Management every semester; a total of at least 8 credits and at least 1 course offered by the department.
For those who have joined specific Subject Programs should at least take one course offered by the department. With the permission from the chair of department, they can take courses offered by the other departments.
Topic Research The topic research courses (Undergraduate Research (I), 1 credits and Undergraduate Research (II), 1 credits) may only be taken after the second semester of junior year. The former should be taken as a prerequisite to the latter.
Advisor for the topic research should be the professor or jointly appointed professor in our department. If want to choose professor from other department, you should have a coadivsor in our department; in this case, we suggest student to select the “Topic Research” from other department.
Required Subjects and
Graduation Credits
Please check The Division of Registration website: 
Others Faculty’s meetings are usually on Monday afternoons; students may not reschedule courses to this day.