職稱 | 榮譽講座教授 |
姓名 | Brain A. Korgel |
電子郵件 | |
研究專長 | Develop new methods for synthesizing nanostructured materials, fabricating devices based upon these materials, and studying their properties |
個人簡介 | 請點選這裡 |
回首頁 | 清大首頁 | 工學院首頁
職稱 | 榮譽講座教授 |
姓名 | Brain A. Korgel |
電子郵件 | |
研究專長 | Develop new methods for synthesizing nanostructured materials, fabricating devices based upon these materials, and studying their properties |
個人簡介 | 請點選這裡 |